Unable to solve nonlinear equation using fsolve as the message shows No solution found
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function F = FeMnC660newuipffc(x)
F(1) =-9.135789053E+00-log(x(1))+166.2509975*x(1)+5.84074229*x(2)+(-166.2509975*x(1)^2)/2-5.84074229*x(1)*x(2)+(-19.52527074*x(2)^2)/2;
F(2) =-3.51500942E+00-log(x(2)) +5.84074229*x(1)+19.52527074*x(2)+(-166.2509975*x(1)^2)/2-5.84074229*x(1)*x(2)+(-19.52527074*x(2)^2)/2;
unable to solve this equation using fsolve as the message shows
No solution found.
fsolve stopped because the last step was ineffective. However, the vector of function
values is not near zero, as measured by the value of the function tolerance.
Kindly help me out
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John D'Errico
编辑:John D'Errico
I would not be at all surprised if it was poor starting values that might cause the problem.
syms x y
F1 = -9.135789053E+00-log(x)+166.2509975*x+5.84074229*y+(-166.2509975*x^2)/2-5.84074229*x*y+(-19.52527074*y^2)/2;
F2 =-3.51500942E+00-log(y) +5.84074229*x+19.52527074*y+(-166.2509975*x^2)/2-5.84074229*x*y+(-19.52527074*y^2)/2;
hold on
xlabel x
ylabel y
It is the intersection of the red and blue curves where you will find a solution. There appear to be three such intersections, and a third non-solution happens at x=y=0. but that point is a singularity, not a true solution. The other solutions at x==0 and y==0 are also problematic.
But fsolve should have no real problem in finding the solution as found by @Matt J, as long as you give it reasonable starting values. A problem may be that if you are not careful, is if fsolve ever tries to go outside of the legal search space where x>0 and y>0, then fsolve will fail.
See that even vpasolve fails to find a happy solution, if you allow it to choose its own starting values.
[X,Y] = vpasolve(F1,F2,[x,y])
However, other starting values seem to get to a happy place.
[X,Y] = vpasolve(F1,F2,[x,y],[1 1])
So it was very likely a poor choice of starting values that caused the fsolve failure for @Vikash Sahu.
Can the problem be modified to avoid the issue completely? Well, yes. Replace each of x and y with the squares of two variables.
syms xx yy
G1 = subs(F1,[x,y],[xx^2, yy^2]);
G2 = subs(F2,[x,y],[xx^2, yy^2]);
[XX,YY] = vpasolve(G1,G2,[xx,yy])
X = XX^2
V = YY^2
Now fsolve should be more robust too, even with random starting values, though it still might get trapped in one of the "solutions" at x==0 or y==0.
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更多回答(2 个)
Alan Stevens
编辑:Alan Stevens
fminsearch makes a reasonable attempt:
F1 = @(a,b) -9.135789053E+00-log(a)+166.2509975*a+5.84074229*b+...
F2 = @(a,b) -3.51500942E+00-log(b)+5.84074229*a+19.52527074*b+...
F = @(x) norm(F1(x(1),x(2))) + norm(F2(x(1),x(2)));
opt = optimset('TolFun', 1E-15);
x0 = [1, 1];
[x, fval] = fminsearch(F, x0, opt);
Matt J
编辑:Matt J
You haven't shown how the optimization was executed. fsolve appears to work fine below:
opt = optimoptions('fsolve', 'FunctionTol',1E-15,'OptimalityTol',1e-15,'StepTol',1e-15);
x0 = 100*rand(1,2);
[x, fval] = fsolve(@FeMnC660newuipffc, x0, opt)
function F = FeMnC660newuipffc(x)
F(1) =-9.135789053E+00-log(x(1))+166.2509975*x(1)+5.84074229*x(2)+(-166.2509975*x(1)^2)/2-5.84074229*x(1)*x(2)+(-19.52527074*x(2)^2)/2;
F(2) =-3.51500942E+00-log(x(2)) +5.84074229*x(1)+19.52527074*x(2)+(-166.2509975*x(1)^2)/2-5.84074229*x(1)*x(2)+(-19.52527074*x(2)^2)/2;
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