'Simulink Fundamentals' course

10 次查看(过去 30 天)
Ramil Ahmadov
Ramil Ahmadov 2023-2-14
回答: Dongyue 2023-2-16
Hi. I am using student license and learning from 'Simulink Fundamentals' course. I really enjiyed using Matlab on PC for learning, but today I can't use Matlab for continue my course. Please give me information why is that? How can I solve this?
I am using MatlabR2022b-academic use
  5 个评论
Anurag Ojha
Anurag Ojha 2023-2-15
Please try reconnecting to your internet/intranet, and disabling the firewall.
If the problem still persist reach out to our Technical support group here.
Ramil Ahmadov
Ramil Ahmadov 2023-2-15
Disabling firewall not fixed. Then reinstalled Matlab to R2022a version but no solution yet. Thanks to you


回答(1 个)

Dongyue 2023-2-16


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