Return a value in csv data at a specific point

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hiya there,
I've got CSV data containing 2 columns . Colum 1 is Distance and column 2 is Depth.
Im wanting a simple code to find what the Depth value is at Distance = 5945
Thanks in advance

回答(2 个)

Krishna 2023-2-20
You can use the following link to get an idea of how to work with .csv files in MATLAB.
Use the find function mentioned in the doc to get the Depth value at Distance = 5945 after extracting values from csv file using readtable.

Star Strider
Star Strider 2023-2-20
Try this —
T1 = array2table([sort(randi(1E+4, 12,1)) rand(12,1)*1E+3], 'VariableNames',{'Distance','Depth'})
T1 = 12×2 table
Distance Depth ________ ______ 387 660.72 948 177.47 1063 750.46 2557 800.03 3207 812.46 4697 215.64 5233 797.51 6848 324.8 7895 438.41 8677 808.11 8851 328.27 9910 651.15
Dep = interp1(T1.Distance, T1.Depth, 5945)
Dep = 589.1087
plot(T1.Distance, T1.Depth, 'DisplayName','Data')
hold on
plot(5945, Dep, 'rs', 'DisplayName','Interpolated Value')
hold off
xline(5945, ':k', 'Distance = 5945')
The reverse is just as straightforward (‘Distance’ as a funciton of ‘Depth’), however one extra step is involved.


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