Using Audio Toolbox to pick up an audio with the microphone from a speaker

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello, Is it possible to create a Simulink model, where there are both a speaker and a microphone. The speaker is an output to a sin wave for example. the microphone in the model should pick the audio from the speaker. Then i want to be able to compare both original and the picked up signal by the mic. I then want to dispaly them both in a scope or data inspector for example and look for noise or distortion. If you have a model in mind could you help me with it.
This is sofar my model:
  9 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2023-2-27
If you have two signals that are nominally the same except possibly shifted in time, then xcorr() to find the best mutual alignment.
Hamda Zarrouk
Hamda Zarrouk 2023-2-27
Is it possible to use this function with two array with the same size and data type but porbably not the same amplitude, because after correcting the phase shift I want to go ahead and compare sample by sample.


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