problem with ica plot funtion in fast ica toolbox

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to use ica plot funxtion of fast ica toolbox for plotting the signal in first row of matrix ans. I didn't make any change in the function fast ica but it gives errors. what do I have to do?
Thank you
the error is ahown in the image below

回答(1 个)

Govind KM
Govind KM 2024-10-16
Hi @ahmad,
The original "icaplot.m" file from the FastICA package contains a switch statement at line 93 to precede the case statements. This line of code is missing in the provided screenshot, causing the mentioned error due to incorrect switch-case syntax. The fix for this is to add the proper switch statement at line 93:
switch mode
If errors persist, I recommend downloading the FastICA package again to use the original files:
Hope this is helpful!


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