How to save app.UITable as image (.png for example)
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I have a GUI with App Designer to populate a UITable object.
A button press will populate the table. The output is for example as in screenshot below:
I need to save this output as .png
Is there a way to a achieve this?
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DUY Nguyen
编辑:DUY Nguyen
Hi Dominique,
You can take a screenshot of the figure using the getframe function. Then, you can save the screenshot as a PNG file using the imwrite function. The below code worked!
You may modify the code and put it in the click_button_function. If you have the table on the UIaxes, you may need to copy the contents of the UIAxes object to the new figure: copyobj(axes, fig);
% Get the figure handle
fig = uifigure('Name', 'Table Figure');
t = uitable(fig, 'Data', magic(5));
% Take a screenshot of the figure
screenshot = getframe(fig);
% Save the screenshot as a PNG file
imwrite(screenshot.cdata, 'table.png', 'png');
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