Plotting a Map on App Designer

30 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a '.shp' file that I am trying to read in using readgeotable then plotting on a map. I have been able to this on a regular figure (shown bellow), but I am having trouble figuring out how to do it on App Designer. Does anyone have any tips?
% Print out the main map (street)
geolimits([41 50],[-122.95 -110])
geobasemap streets
hold on
% Read in ARCGIS data and print on top of street map
GT = readgeotable('BPA_TransmissionLines.shp'); %the .shp file holds line locations

回答(1 个)

Cameron 2023-3-2
You need to put your geoaxes() in a Panel component. It will not work with the UIAxes.
gx = geoaxes(app.Panel);
geolimits(gx,[41 50],[-122.95 -110])


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