Error in function streamline: interp1 sample points must be unique.

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Hello everyone,
I have to display the streamlines of a supersonic flow around a cone. I have the meshgrid and the speed components in this fashion
x = [ 0, 0.333333333333333, 0.666666666666667, 1.00000000000000;...
0, 0.332271622840308, 0.664543245680615, 0.996814868520923;...
0, 0.331377263507562, 0.662754527015124, 0.994131790522686;...
0, 0.331191240165995, 0.662382480331990, 0.993573720497985];
y = [0, 0.0587561394208747, 0.117512278841749, 0.176268418262624;...
0, 0.0644900278013948, 0.128980055602790, 0.193470083404184;...
0, 0.0689384091852737, 0.137876818370547, 0.206815227555821;...
0, 0.0698266243496454, 0.139653248699291, 0.209479873048936];
Vx = 1.0e+03.* [ 2.9768 2.9856 2.9926 2.9941;...
2.9768 2.9856 2.9926 2.9941;...
2.9768 2.9856 2.9926 2.9941;...
2.9768 2.9856 2.9926 2.9941];
Vy = [524.7211 524.7211 524.7211 524.7211;...
477.1746 477.1746 477.1746 477.1746;...
442.4958 442.4958 442.4958 442.4958;...
435.4701 435.4701 435.4701 435.4701];
The quiver plot works nicely, but when I have to show streamlines I get this error
hold on;
streamline(x,y,Vx, Vy, zeros(1,4), zeros(1,4));
Error using matlab.internal.math.interp1
Sample points must be unique.
Error in interp1 (line 188)
VqLite = matlab.internal.math.interp1(X,V,method,method,Xqcol);
Error in stream2 (line 63)
Error in streamline (line 62)
verts = stream2(x,y,u,v,sx,sy,options);
Error in cuneo_vs_cono (line 65) (<--- this is the script name I am working on)
streamline(x,y,Vx, Vy, zeros(1,4), zeros(1,4));
I have attempted also with different starting points but I get always and always the same error. Maybe some errors in using them?
Thank you.

回答(2 个)

Benjamin Kraus
Benjamin Kraus 2023-3-7
编辑:Benjamin Kraus 2023-3-7
The issue you are having is the form of your X and Y data you are providing as input to streamline. The streamline doc page says (regarding the X input): "x-axis coordinates of vector data, specified as a 2-D or 3-D array that can be combined with Y (and optionally Z) to form a grid of coordinates. You can use the meshgrid function to create the arrays."
In this case, you have four values in your X and Y matrices that correspond to the same point (0,0), which is invalid input for streamline. The specific problem is that the first column of y is all the same. Those coordinates are being passed into interp1 and that is what is generating the error message.
X and Y are meant to reflect the coordinates of a grid of points, but the coordinates you provided are not really in a grid. Can you give more detail about what the values of X and Y mean in your data?
  1 个评论
Leonardo Molino
Leonardo Molino 2023-3-7
编辑:Leonardo Molino 2023-3-7
Thank you for your answer.
The x and y coordinate data emerged from the conversion between spherical and linear coordinates. That is, I have solved the Taylor-Maccol problem in spherical coordinates. For each omega that represents an elevation with respect to the x-axis I have two velocity components, V_omega and V_r. Then, for each omega, I generated those points by converting the coordinates, giving a radius that goes from 0 to the tip of the cone
omega = flip(cell2mat({out(1).omega}.'));
Vr = flip(cell2mat({out(1).Vr}.'));
Vomega = flip(cell2mat({out(1).Vomega}.'));
npx = 80;
r = linspace(0,1/cosd(omega(1)),npx);
for k=1:length(omega)
for j=1:length(r)
x(k,j) = r(1,j).*cosd(omega(1,k));
y(k,j) = r(1,j).*sind(omega(1,k));
Vx(k,j) = Vr(k)*cosd(omega(k)) - Vomega(k)*sind(omega(k));
Vy(k,j) = Vr(k)*sind(omega(k)) + Vomega(k)*cosd(omega(k));
omega, Vr and Vomega come out from the ode45 solver. The points coincide at the very beginning of the matrices because they represents the origin of the cone.
Along a given elevation, the V_r and V_omega are the same for every given points. They change only when we "switch" from an elevation to another one.


David Wootton
David Wootton 2024-2-13
Is there more on how to ovecome this error?
I'm having the same problem; I would like to show streamlines for ideal flow around a cylinder, so I'm also using a domain build from radial coordinates (using transfinite interpolation). I have tried just plotting the upper half-plane since it's symmetric, and there is no danger that the points are not unique.
If I plot contours of the streamfunction it works fine, but I would prefer to have arrows showing the flow direction, and to plot the streamlines over a different field (velocity magnitude or pressure coefficient) so would prefer to use streamslice or streamline, both of which crash out.


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