Implement a nonlinear filter — a median filter.

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Implement a nonlinear filter — a median filter. While the Gaussian filter works by computing locally-weighted values of the signal, the median filter first sorts the signal values within a window and then takes the middle value (i.e., the median). Implement a function, simpleMedian, which takes as input an image, I, and the dimensions of the median filter, W and H, and returns a median filtered image. Zero-pad the image within the function to ensure that the filtered image is the same size as the original image. Apply a 12×12 median filter to the loaded images. Show the results.
% load the input image
img = imread('Old_house.jpg');
% apply a 12x12 median filter to the image
filtered_img = simpleMedian(img, 12, 12);
% display the input and filtered images side by side
title('Input Image');
title('Filtered Image');
function filtered_img = simpleMedian(I, W, H)
% zero-pad the image
padded_img = padarray(I, [(H-1)/2 (W-1)/2], 'symmetric');
% initialize the filtered image
filtered_img = zeros(size(I), 'like', I);
% loop through each pixel in the image
for i = 1:size(I,1)
for j = 1:size(I,2)
% extract the window centered at (i,j)
window = padded_img(i:i+H-1, j:j+W-1);
% take the median of the window
filtered_img(i,j) = median(window(:));
Error using padarray
Expected input number 2, PADSIZE, to be integer-valued.
Error in padarray>ParseInputs (line 108)
validateattributes(padSize, {'double'}, {'real' 'vector' 'nonnan'
'nonnegative' ...
Error in padarray (line 75)
[a, method, padSize, padVal, direction, catConverter] =
Error in untitled1_12>simpleMedian (line 18)
padded_img = padarray(I, [(H-1)/2 (W-1)/2], 'symmetric');
Error in untitled1_12 (line 5)
filtered_img = simpleMedian(img, 12, 12);

回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2023-3-12
padded_img = padarray(I, [(H-1)/2 (W-1)/2], 'symmetric');
Suppose the height, H, is even, such as if H = 12. Then H-1 is 11, and 11/2 is not an integer. So you are asking to pad by 5 1/2 rows and columns on each side, which is not something that is permitted.




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