How do I make a loop that will allow to add a song again and saving the previos one

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fprintf(' Let''s get started! \n');
% Define variables.
RepreProcessA = "No";
RepreProcessD = "No";
RepreProcessE = "No";
SongFound = 0;
RepreProcessAll = "Y";
EditAgain = "Yes";
ModSelection = input(' Will you like to sign in as a User or Administrator? ','s');
while strcmpi(ModSelection ,'User') ~=1 && strcmpi(ModSelection ,'Administrator') ~=1
fprintf(' You have selected a not existing option. \n');
ModSelection = input(' Are you a User or an Administrator ','s');
if strcmpi(ModSelection ,'Administrator')
fprintf(' Welcome to the MusicLive hardcore. \n');
% admname = input(' What is your Username? ','s');
% while admname ~= "AdmMusicLive"
% fprintf(' Incorrect username! \n');
% admname = input(' What is your username, NERD!!! ','s');
% end
% fprintf(' Username correct \n');
% admpassword = input(' What is your password? ','s');
% while admpassword ~= "AdmPassword"
% fprintf(' Incorrect password! \n');
% admpassword = input(' What is the correct password, NERD!!! ','s');
% end
% fprintf(' Password correct \n');
% fprintf(' %s, you have successfully entered into hardcode of the software. \n', User_Name);
% fprintf(' You will have access to Add, Delete and Edit the software database. \n');
OptSelection = input(' Will you like to Add, Delete, or Edit a song? ', 's');
while strcmpi(OptSelection,'Add') ~=1 && strcmpi(OptSelection,'Delete') ~=1 ...
&& strcmpi(OptSelection,'Edit') ~=1
fprintf(' You have selected a not existing option \n');
OptSelection = input(' Selected a valid option ','s');
if strcmpi(OptSelection,"Add")
while strcmpi(RepreProcessAll,"Y")
while strcmpi(RepreProcessA,"No")
SongName = input(" What is the song's name? ",'s');
while isempty(SongName)
fprintf(' Invalid name, enter a name with only alphabetical characters \n');
SongName = input(" What is the song's name? ",'s');
fprintf(" The name of the new songs was entered correctly \n");
fprintf(" \n");
SongSinger = input(' How is the song''s singer ','s');
while isempty(SongSinger)
fprintf(' Invalid name, enter a name with only alphabetical characters \n');
SongSinger= input(" How is the song''s singer ",'s');
fprintf(" The singer of the new songs was entered correctly \n");
fprintf(" \n");
SongTime = input(" What is the song's length in minutes (round to the nearest whole number)? ");
while isempty(SongTime) || SongTime < 0
fprintf(' Error, the value entered is incorrect \n');
SongTime = input(' Please, enter a whole number ');
if SongTime <= 2
SongTime = "ShortOpt";
elseif SongTime >= 3
SongTime = "IntermidianOpt";
elseif SongTime >= 4
SongTime = "LongOpt";
fprintf(' The new song time was entered successfully. \n');
fprintf(" \n");
fprintf(" Enter the song genre. \n");
fprintf(" The three options for the song's genre are Rock, Pop, and Country. \n");
SongGenre = input(" What is the song's genre? ",'s');
while strcmpi(SongGenre,'Rock') ~=1 && strcmpi(SongGenre,'Pop') ~=1 ...
&& strcmpi(SongGenre,'Country') ~=1
fprintf(' You have selected a not existing option \n');
fprintf(' Selected Rock, Pop, or Country. \n');
SongGenre = input(' Selected the correct option ','s');
fprintf(' The new song genre was entered successfully. \n');
fprintf(" The genre of the new songs was entered correctly. \n");
fprintf(" \n");
fprintf(" The three options for the song's language are English, Italian, and Romanian. \n");
SongLanguage = input(" What is the language of the song? ", 's');
while strcmpi(SongLanguage,'English') ~=1 && strcmpi(SongLanguage,'Italian') ~=1 ...
&& strcmpi(SongLanguage,'Romanian') ~=1
fprintf(' You have selected a not existing option NERD!!! \n');
fprintf(' Selected English, Italian, or Romanian. \n');
SongLanguage = input(' Selected the correct option ','s');
fprintf(' The new song language was entered successfully. \n');
fprintf(" \n");
fprintf(' The song name is %s \n', SongName);
fprintf(' The song singer is %s \n', SongSinger);
fprintf(' The song time is %s \n', SongTime);
fprintf(' The song genre is %s \n', SongGenre);
fprintf(' The song language is %s \n', SongLanguage);
fprintf(' Selected Yes if desired to save the changes; if not selected No \n');
RepreProcessA = input(' Yes or No ','s' );
while strcmpi(RepreProcessA, 'No') ~= 1 && strcmpi(RepreProcessA, 'Yes') ~= 1
fprintf(' Selected Yes or No NERD!!! \n');
RepreProcessA = input(' Selected Yes if desired to save the changes; if not selected No ','s');
NewData = [MusicDatabase; {SongName}, {SongSinger} {SongTime}, {SongGenre}, {SongLanguage}];
RepreProcessAll = input(' Selected Y if desired to save the changes; if not selected N ','s');
while strcmpi(RepreProcessAll, 'N') ~= 1 && strcmpi(RepreProcessAll, 'Y') ~= 1
fprintf(' Selected Y or N NERD!!! \n');
RepreProcessAll = input(' Y if desired to save the changes; if not selected N ','s');
% This is not working, I need a obtion that will allow me more songs amd saving the ones that already add.


Adam Drake
Adam Drake 2023-3-13
编辑:Adam Drake 2023-3-14
Fixed your reselection problem and simplified saving to excel file. Tried to use your coding style. See comments for clarification. Note: If this answers your question please choose to Accept the Answer.
fprintf(' Let''s get started! \n');
% Define variables.
SongFound = 0;
exitflag = false;
songcounter = 0;
ModSelection = input(' Would you like to sign in as a User or Administrator? ','s');
while strcmpi(ModSelection ,'User') ~=1 && strcmpi(ModSelection ,'Administrator') ~=1
fprintf(' You have selected a not existing option. \n');
ModSelection = input(' Are you a User or an Administrator ','s');
if strcmpi(ModSelection ,'Administrator')
fprintf(' Welcome to the MusicLive hardcore. \n');
% admname = input(' What is your Username? ','s');
% while admname ~= "AdmMusicLive"
% fprintf(' Incorrect username! \n');
% admname = input(' What is your username, NERD!!! ','s');
% end
% fprintf(' Username correct \n');
% admpassword = input(' What is your password? ','s');
% while admpassword ~= "AdmPassword"
% fprintf(' Incorrect password! \n');
% admpassword = input(' What is the correct password, NERD!!! ','s');
% end
% fprintf(' Password correct \n');
% fprintf(' %s, you have successfully entered into hardcode of the software. \n', User_Name);
% fprintf(' You will have access to Add, Delete and Edit the software database. \n');
% Eliminated extraneous while loops. Have user select from menu each
% time.
while ~exitflag
OptSelection = input(' Wound you like to Add, Delete, or Edit a song? ', 's');
while strcmpi(OptSelection,'Add') ~=1 && strcmpi(OptSelection,'Delete') ~=1 ...
&& strcmpi(OptSelection,'Edit') ~=1
fprintf(' You have selected a not existing option \n');
OptSelection = input(' Selected a valid option ','s');
if strcmpi(OptSelection,"Add")
SongName = input(" What is the song's name? ",'s');
while isempty(SongName)
fprintf(' Invalid name, enter a name with only alphabetical characters \n');
SongName = input(" What is the song's name? ",'s');
fprintf(" The name of the new songs was entered correctly \n");
fprintf(" \n");
SongSinger = input(' Who is the song''s singer ','s');
while isempty(SongSinger)
fprintf(' Invalid name, enter a name with only alphabetical characters \n');
SongSinger= input(" How is the song''s singer ",'s');
fprintf(" The singer of the new songs was entered correctly \n");
fprintf(" \n");
SongTime = input(" What is the song's length in minutes (round to the nearest whole number)? ");
while isempty(SongTime) || SongTime < 0
fprintf(' Error, the value entered is incorrect \n');
SongTime = input(' Please, enter a whole number ');
if SongTime <= 2
SongTime = "ShortOpt";
elseif SongTime >= 3
SongTime = "IntermediateOpt";
elseif SongTime >= 4
SongTime = "LongOpt";
fprintf(' The new song time was entered successfully. \n');
fprintf(" \n");
fprintf(" Enter the song genre. \n");
fprintf(" The three options for the song's genre are Rock, Pop, and Country. \n");
SongGenre = input(" What is the song's genre? ",'s');
while strcmpi(SongGenre,'Rock') ~=1 && strcmpi(SongGenre,'Pop') ~=1 ...
&& strcmpi(SongGenre,'Country') ~=1
fprintf(' You have selected a not existing option \n');
fprintf(' Selected Rock, Pop, or Country. \n');
SongGenre = input(' Selected the correct option ','s');
fprintf(' The new song genre was entered successfully. \n');
fprintf(" The genre of the new songs was entered correctly. \n");
fprintf(" \n");
fprintf(" The three options for the song's language are English, Italian, and Romanian. \n");
SongLanguage = input(" What is the language of the song? ", 's');
while strcmpi(SongLanguage,'English') ~=1 && strcmpi(SongLanguage,'Italian') ~=1 ...
&& strcmpi(SongLanguage,'Romanian') ~=1
fprintf(' You have selected a not existing option NERD!!! \n');
fprintf(' Selected English, Italian, or Romanian. \n');
SongLanguage = input(' Selected the correct option ','s');
fprintf(' The new song language was entered successfully. \n');
fprintf(" \n");
fprintf(' The song name is %s \n', SongName);
fprintf(' The song singer is %s \n', SongSinger);
fprintf(' The song time is %s \n', SongTime);
fprintf(' The song genre is %s \n', SongGenre);
fprintf(' The song language is %s \n', SongLanguage);
fprintf(' Select Yes if desired to save the changes; if not select No \n');
RepreProcessA = input(' Yes or No ','s' );
while strcmpi(RepreProcessA, 'No') ~= 1 && strcmpi(RepreProcessA, 'Yes') ~= 1
fprintf(' Select Yes or No NERD!!! \n');
RepreProcessA = input(' Selected Yes if desired to save the changes; if not selected No ','s');
songcounter = songcounter + 1;
SongData(songcounter,:) = [{SongName}, {SongSinger} {SongTime}, {SongGenre}, {SongLanguage}];
% Use WriteMode = 'append' to add to end of excel file
fprintf(' Song saved succesfully!\n');
% elseif Edit Block
% elseif Delete Block
% Have user return to main menu and select Add, Edit or Delete
% again. The user will return to select what they want to do
% again instead of multiple while loops to add, edit, or delete
% multiple.
fprintf( 'Would you like to exit or return to the menu?\n ');
ExitSelection = input( 'Exit or Return? ','s' );
while strcmpi(ExitSelection,'Exit') ~=1 && strcmpi(ExitSelection,'Return') ~=1
fprintf(' You have selected a not existing option \n');
ExitSelection = input(' Selected a valid option ','s');
if strcmpi(ExitSelection,"Exit")
fprintf( 'Exiting...\n' );
exitflag = true;
fprintf( 'Returning...\n' );
  5 个评论
Adam Drake
Adam Drake 2023-3-14
Indices allow you to access the data in a vector or matrix. This is very basic, I would recommend doing a MATLAB coding course on YouTube or reviewing documentation in MathWorks help.
Could you please accept my answer. Thanks!


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