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How to find unknown coefficients of a given matrix

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a matrix A with a as unknown coefficient. Need to find a. Please help! Do I use syms? Can I use root finding method?
A = [1 0 a^2; 2 0 8; 1 a 4]
B = [2; 4; 2]
  5 个评论
John D'Errico
John D'Errico 2023-3-18
Why not try it?
syms a
syms x y z
A = [1 0 a^2; 2 0 8; 1 a 4];
B = [2; 4; 2];
EQ = A*[x;y;z] == B
xyz = solve(EQ,[x,y,z],'returnconditions',true)
Think about what that tells you.
BG 2023-3-19
I was able to solve it using LU decomposition. Anyway, thanks for this

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