How to read touchstone files on MATLAB ?

137 次查看(过去 30 天)
i recently started using Matlab online instead of the desktop version and i cant import Touchstone files like i used to.
i checked that RF toolbox is enabled on the Online version.
the error i get from using the command ( sparameters('S11.s1P') ) is as follow:
Error using rf.file.touchstone.Data/read
Unable to open file S11.s1P.
Error in rf.file.touchstone.Data
Error in rf.internal.netparams.AllParameters/readRFFile
Error in rf.internal.netparams.AllParameters
Error in rf.internal.netparams.ScatteringParameters
Error in sparameters (line 82)
obj = obj@rf.internal.netparams.ScatteringParameters(varargin{:});
Error in Untitled (line 10)
  1 个评论
Rik 2023-3-20
Does that file exist in the current directory of Matlab Online? What does this return?
ans = 0
No matches for pattern '/users/mss.system.Dbhgb9/**/S11.s1P'.



Manikanta Aditya
Manikanta Aditya 2023-3-21
Hi Shankar,
As per my understanding, you are trying to import Touchstone file in MATLAB Online. It appears that you have enabled all necessary toolboxes and used the correct syntax.
The issue likely lies with the filename you have passed to sparameters function. The filename parameter for sparameters command is a character vector and thus, case sensitive. Also, filename should be the name of a file in the current folder or the full path to a file. Otherwise, the following command works given RF toolbox is enabled.
S = sparameters('default.s1p');
For further reference, please check this link to know more about sparameters:
I hope this resolves the issue you are facing.

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