Does Matlab provide any tools to understand the contents in an image and describe it using words?

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am new to neural network and just about to start to build my own.
I am hoping to achieve that with an input of an image, the output would be a few sentences in texts to describe the contents (and even feelings) of this image.
Where should I start? Does Matlab have any developed tools or trained networks that I can just grab and use?
  5 个评论
the cyclist
the cyclist 2023-3-21
Final sentence of that paper: "We also built a database for the emotion estimation with the V-A model and will continue to collect more data. We expect our dataset will be widely used in the field of affective computing."


回答(2 个)

Matt J
Matt J 2023-3-21

Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2023-3-21
There are examples in various products (mainly using Deep Learning Toolbox and/or Computer Vision Toolbox) to perform image classification to determine which of a set of items in the training data an image represents. See as one example this page that shows how to use a pretrained network (SqueezeNet) with ten lines of code to perform that classification.
But if you're looking for "Computer, identify the object on the viewscreen" a la Star Trek where the object is something completely new, I don't think you're going to be able to achieve that.
  1 个评论
Salad Box
Salad Box 2023-3-21
Thank you for your advice @Steven Lord. They are really helpful.
I am not looking for anything completely new, not at this stage at least. I am just trying to build a basic model and see what I can achieve with that at moment.
Will definitely try examples you mentioned.
Thank you again for the reply.:)



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