Quiver arrow doesn't show at the right place

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
o = [0,0];
v = [3 10];
quiver(o(1), o(2), v(1), v(2),'k','LineWidth',2);
hold on
xlim([(-1) (11)]);
ylim([(-1) (11)]);
grid on
The arrow is pointing towards [3, 10] but ends around [2.75, 9] while it should've stop at the red dot, right? Or am i wrong?


Simon Chan
Simon Chan 2023-3-22
By default, AutoScale is set to on and AutoScaleFactor is 0.9.
So you may set AutoScale to off or set AutoScaleFactor to 1.
  1 个评论
Dirk te Brake
Dirk te Brake 2023-3-22
I can understand why an autoscalefactor option is usefull but why set it to 0.9 by default? Anyway thank you!


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