As per my understanding of the question, the problem contains a Force Array and the initial temperature is defined which is used with the first element of the Force array to calculate the heat generated by the friction Q, which in turn generated a surface temperature which is used subsequently in the next round of iteration.
The For Iterator Subsystem block can be used as iterator to iterate over the Force Array using the index vector block and the iterated assignment with the Assignment block can be used to fetch the temperature for each successive steps of iteration assuming that the initial temperature is given as T0 for the first iteration. Temperature and Force are then passed as inputs to the MATLAB Function Block to define the algorithm for the heat generated due to friction Q and hence the output temperature for the next iteration.
You can refer to the model attached below for the idea on how to implement the model.

You may also refer to the question attached below for the implementation of for loop subsystem in Simulink:
You can also refer to the articles below:
Implementation of For loop Subusytem Block:
Iterated Assignment using Assignment Block to update the value of temperature after each iteration:
How to fetch the array elements using For Loop Subsytem Iterator and Constant block containing vector of Force Values using zero and one based indexing: