Append Row to bottom of table

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'd like to append a to a Nx4 table:
Name Amt Price Change
Pears 5 $1 $0.50
Apples 10 $1.5 $0.25
Such that it will add a row with the Name, but a '-' dash for the other three, which will be added with other logic.
For example adding Oranges would change the table to:
Name Amt Price Change
Pears 5 $1 $0.50
Apples 10 $1.5 $0.25
Oranges - - -
Thank you!


Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi 2023-3-29
编辑:Dyuman Joshi 2023-3-29
One of the ways to achieve the output you mentioned is to use string/cell/categorical data type for the variables as it is not possible to denote '-' i.e. a dash in numeric data type
Name = categorical(["Pears"; "Apples"]);
Amt = categorical(["5";"10"]);
Price = categorical(["$1";"$1.5"]);
Change = categorical(["$0.5";"$0.25"]);
y = table(Name,Amt,Price,Change)
y = 2×4 table
Name Amt Price Change ______ ___ _____ ______ Pears 5 $1 $0.5 Apples 10 $1.5 $0.25
var = categorical("-");
y(3,:) = {categorical("Orange"),var, var, var}
y = 3×4 table
Name Amt Price Change ______ ___ _____ ______ Pears 5 $1 $0.5 Apples 10 $1.5 $0.25 Orange - - -
  2 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2023-3-29
To emphasize slightly: numeric variables cannot be set to be blank or to dash : if you need those output, you need to use one of char or string or categorical.
Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins 2023-4-5
Or to display with dollar signs, for that matter.
Teodore, to get what you are looking for, I recommend writing your own pretty-print function that does exactly what you need. That's kind of what Dyuman has done. Table display just isn't intended for that kind of output.


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