plot with reversed y-axis in a normal y-axis

9 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a video plotted (or played frame by fame) and I want to plot a shape representing the corresponding eye position.
The video has its y-axis reversed (can't control it) (0 up). The eye position is with coordinates in which the y-axis is normal (0 at bottom).
I need to plot this eye position somehow with reversed y-axis on the video.
I'm using insertShape but I can't change the position of the shape to be plotted in a reversed y-axis on the video. I tried flip, axis handel, and many things, nothing is working.
Any suggestion please?!


Jack 2023-3-30
You can use the image function in MATLAB to display the video frames and then use insertShape to plot the eye position on top of the frame. To reverse the y-axis, you can set the YDir property of the axes object to 'reverse'. Here's some sample code to get you started:
% Load the video file
v = VideoReader('my_video.mp4');
% Create a figure and axes to display the frames
fig = figure;
ax = axes('Parent', fig);
% Set the y-axis direction to 'reverse'
set(ax, 'YDir', 'reverse');
% Loop through the frames and display them
while hasFrame(v)
frame = readFrame(v);
image(ax, frame);
% Get the eye position for the current frame
eye_pos = [x, y, width, height]; % Replace with your own code
% Plot the eye position on top of the frame
insertShape(ax, 'Rectangle', eye_pos, 'Color', 'red');
% Update the figure
In this code, x, y, width, and height are the coordinates of the eye position in a normal y-axis coordinate system. You may need to adjust these values to match the dimensions of your video frames. The insertShape function plots a red rectangle at the specified eye position, and the drawnow function updates the figure to display the current frame with the eye position.
  4 个评论
Suzuki 2023-4-3
编辑:Suzuki 2023-4-3
When I tried that it plots frame 1 then the eye trace on what seems to be a different figure (because the background is white, not the video frame 1 (for ex)), but if i remove the hold off it' ok. However, the eye traces are not in the correct position. Furthermore,it plots the video images in black and white, don't know why.
And I also tried your example, but the eye traces are also plotted in the lower corner of the video, I guess this is not the right position.
Suzuki 2023-4-5
编辑:Suzuki 2023-4-5
Hey Jack,
I was doing something incorrect, but I've corrected it.
Your codes worked ,it flipped the eye pos, but no need for the +1.
thank alot.


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