Hi Luke,
As per my understanding, you would like to use a .csv file with the Flight Log Analyzer app in MATLAB.
Unfortunately, Flight Log Analyzer app only supports ‘.ulog’ and ‘.tlog’ file formats. This is the reason you do not see the csv table while selecting variable from workspace. Please use the supported file formats or externally convert your data to the supported file formats and then use it with the Flight Log Analyzer app. Please check out this documentation to know more about the Flight Log Analyzer app and supported file formats https://www.mathworks.com/help/uav/ref/flightloganalyzer-app.html.
Also, I see that in the code you provided, you are incorrectly using the ‘save’ function. ‘save’ function only saves data to specific formats and you can read more about it in this documentation. https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/save.html
I hope this resolves the issue you are facing.