Error rosgenmsg (line 480) : error build log
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I want to generate some custom ROS messages in Matlab for communicate with a robot NED2 of Nyrio. To generate custom ROS I follow this tutorial.
I install all extention like CMake, the package ros ned_ros in the first root of my hard disk, Visual Studio 2019 is my compiler c++ in matalb (configuartion with mex -setup), ROS toolbox has been installed.
After all this installation, I eecute this command Matlab.
folderpath = "D:\ned_ros"
And I have the following result :
folderpath =
Identifying message files in folder 'D:/ned_ros'..Done.
Validating message files in folder 'D:/ned_ros'..Done.
[13/13] Generating MATLAB interfaces for custom message packages... Done.
Running catkin build in folder 'D:/ned_ros/matlab_msg_gen_ros1/win64'.
Build in progress. This may take several minutes...Error using ros.internal.ROSProjectBuilder/buildPackage
Error building package: build log.
Error in rosgenmsg (line 480)
buildPackage(builder, [], 'install', catkinMakeArgs); %other messages might need to be present in the same directory
Error in configuration_Matlab (line 5)
I didn't understand why the problem is related why a script of the toolbox. You can see my build log as an attachment.
How can I fix the issue and build the custom messages?
thanks in advance.
0 个评论
Jagadeesh Konakalla
When I analyzed error, the error is related to redefinition error. I found that one of the message file has issue. I see that REBOOT_MOTOR constant is defined twice in the message file (niryo_robot_status\msg\RobotStatus.msg). Once in the line number 10 and other line number 21.
You need to remove one definition.
I removed the line number 21 and tried rosgenmsg, it works without issue.
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