How to create a nested tile layout with TileAx?

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am trying to create figures for different conditions using a tile layout. Within each of these figures I have 5 subfigures but I cannot seem to get this to work. I want each of the condition figures to be in a differnet quadrant.
%T = tiledlayout(2, );
% TAx_all = zeros(1,length(conditions.condition));
titles = {'2Hz left', '2Hz right', '7.5Hz left', '7.5Hz right'};
for j=1:length(conditions.condition)
condition = conditions.condition(j);
filename = string(task) + '_P' + participant_number + '_' + string(condition{1}) + '.prepro';
% Load prepro file
prepro = load(filename, '-mat');
prepro.dcAvg = squeeze(prepro.dcAvg);
dists1 = DOTHUB_getSDdists(prepro.SD2D);
% variables for plotting
blockendtime = 10;
xminLim = -5;
xmaxLim = 15;
rngs = [[0 10]; [10 20]; [20 27.5]; [27.5 32.5]; [32.5 37.5]]; %[37.5 42.5]; %[42.5 Inf]]; %boundary values excluded
rngElem = length(rngs);
% populate the error bar filters, but only include good channels
filts = cell(1, rngElem);
for i = 1:rngElem
rowFilts = find(prepro.SD2D.MeasListAct(1:end/2)==1 & dists1' > rngs(i,1) & dists1' < rngs(i,2));
filts{i} = rowFilts;
% create panelled plot layout
tile = tiledlayout(1,rngElem);
tileAx = zeros(1,rngElem);
for i = 1:rngElem
% Get averaged data and error data from each SD range
Avg_Channel = squeeze(mean(prepro.dcAvg(:,:,filts{i}),3));
Std_Channel = squeeze(std(prepro.dcAvg(:,:,filts{i}),0,3));
Std_Error = Std_Channel/sqrt(length(participant_list));
% Plot each SD range with error bars
tileAx(i) = nexttile;
plot(tHRF, Avg_Channel(:,1), 'r', "LineWidth", 1); hold on
plot(tHRF, Avg_Channel(:,2), 'b', "LineWidth", 1); hold on
plot(tHRF, Avg_Channel(:,3), 'g', "LineWidth", 1); hold on
xlim(tileAx(i),[xminLim xmaxLim]);
shadedErrorBar(tHRF, Avg_Channel(:,3),Std_Error(:,3),{'g','LineWidth',1.5},0.6);
shadedErrorBar(tHRF, Avg_Channel(:,2),Std_Error(:,2),{'b','LineWidth',1.5},0.6);
shadedErrorBar(tHRF, Avg_Channel(:,1),Std_Error(:,1),{'r','LineWidth',1.5},0.6);
title_small = strcat(string(rngs(i,1)), "-", string(rngs(i,2)), " mm");
yl = ylim;
pt = patch([0 0 blockendtime blockendtime],[yl(1)-3 yl(2)+3 yl(2)+3 yl(1)-3],[0.9 0.9 0.9]);
pt.EdgeColor = 'None';
pt.FaceAlpha = 0.5;
hold off
hold off
tile.XLabel.String = "Time (s)";
tile.XLabel.FontSize = 22;
hold on
tile.YLabel.String = "Concentration Change (\muM)";
tile.YLabel.FontSize = 22;
hold on
legend("","HbO", "","","","HbR", "","","","HbT");
hold on
tile.Title.String = titles{j};
I would massively appreciate any help, thanks!
  1 个评论
Joe Vinciguerra
Joe Vinciguerra 2023-4-6
编辑:Joe Vinciguerra 2023-4-6
Your code seems to work fine for me (using random data since yours has not been provided). What's it doing that is different from your expectation?


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