Drawing rectangles around objects and find intersection points

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi, I have two images as attached below, one contains only logic gates and the other contains only the lines connecting to them. I would like to draw a red rectangle around the each logic gate of the first image (as like shown for AND gate in the image) , then combine (overlap) the first image to the second image using a function like imadd() . Then I would like to find the intersection point coordinates formed between rectangles drawn in first image & the lines of second image.
Someone please provide code for that.
First Image
Second Image

回答(1 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2015-3-26
Assuming that the lines do not overlap any of the gates, then call imdilate() to stretch the lines horizontally a pixel, the xor the images with xor(). That will tell you where the lines touch the gates. Pass that image into find() if you want actual row and column locations.

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