The keyboard shortcut "control+F6" fails to move the focus to the next window.

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
The shortcut ^F6 should change the focus to the next window.
When I am in the Editor, the command ^F6 does move the cursor to the Command Window.
However, I am unable to type in the Command Window unless I click on it.
Also, I am unable to press enter to execute a command in History (the up and down arrows do bring the command history).
This feature works fine in Matlab 2016. However, now that I am using Matlab 2023a is broken.
Concretely, the shorcut control+F6 does move the cursor but fails to move the focus.
  6 个评论



Amit Dhakite
Amit Dhakite 2023-5-10
Hi Victor,
I understand that you are trying to shift focus to the Command Window and interact with it by pressing Command + F6, and it is not behaving as expected on your system running macOS.
This is a known issue with MATLAB on macOS, and unfortunately the only workaround is to click on the Command Window to interact with it.
With regards,

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