Dear all,
I have the code below. the problem is, I want to calculate the total voxel value in table.
Just now what I doing is the total voxel value I have to copy first in workspace table, then paste in excel, then I summation it. very take time.
anyone can help me?
I try replace "VoxelValue" to "TotalVoxelValue", but it doest not work
All the data set as attached.
I-131sphere10nisbah1.dcm = I-131sphere10nisbah1.mat
Segmentation.seg.nrrd = Segmentation.seg.mat
[spect map]=dicomread('I-131sphere10nisbah1.dcm');
info = dicominfo('I-131sphere10nisbah1.dcm');
g = nrrdread('Segmentation.seg.nrrd');
data = regionprops3(g,spect,'Volume','VoxelValues', 'Centroid')