I have a problem with simulink stateflow?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to genrate a Code for my subsystem and i get a error which says " Invalid use of Simulink based state 'E5_2_zu_A4_0' in Chart with Simulink PLC Coder."
I tried to trasfer a value from a input to a other output. In this picture das was in a subchart i have use the simulink state to create it.
I hope you can help me out with.

回答(1 个)

Manoj Mirge
Manoj Mirge 2023-5-16
编辑:Manoj Mirge 2023-5-16
Currently the Simulink states are not supported by Simulink PLC Coder or HDL Coder.
I suggest you change the model to implement its desired behaviour without use of Simulink States. As a workaround you can remodel Simulink States as a MATLAB action state.
You can read more on MATLAB action state in the below attached link :


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