Want to use nested For loop

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I wish to change value of k in my code after running the code for all j values and then, I wish to plot for the curves for different k values in a single window. But I am confused in putting the index values.
n0 = 1;
n1 = 2;
n2 = 1;
n3 = 2;
d1 = 0.1;
d2 = 0.2;
lam = 3:0.01:7;
th = 0;
phi1 =(d1./lam).*sqrt((n1));
phi2 = (d2./lam).*sqrt((n2));
z = zeros(size(lam));
for k = 1:1:6
for j = 1:numel(lam)
D0 = [2 2; n0 -n0];
D1 = [2 2;n1 -n1];
D2 = [2 2; n2 -n2];
D3 = [2 2;n3 -n3];
P1 = [exp(-1i.*phi1(j)) 1; 1 exp(1i.*phi1(j))];
P2 = [exp(-1i*phi2(j)) 1; 1 exp(1i*phi2(j))];
M = D0*([D1*P1*D2*P2]^(k))*D3;
z(j) = M(2,1)./M(1,1);


chicken vector
chicken vector 2023-4-20
You need to add a second dimension to your z array:
n0 = 1;
n1 = 2;
n2 = 1;
n3 = 2;
d1 = 0.1;
d2 = 0.2;
lam = 3:0.01:7;
th = 0;
phi1 =(d1./lam).*sqrt((n1));
phi2 = (d2./lam).*sqrt((n2));
z = zeros(length(lam),6); % each column corresponds to a different value of k
for k = 1:1:6
for j = 1:numel(lam)
D0 = [2 2; n0 -n0];
D1 = [2 2;n1 -n1];
D2 = [2 2; n2 -n2];
D3 = [2 2;n3 -n3];
P1 = [exp(-1i.*phi1(j)) 1; 1 exp(1i.*phi1(j))];
P2 = [exp(-1i*phi2(j)) 1; 1 exp(1i*phi2(j))];
M = D0*([D1*P1*D2*P2]^(k))*D3;
z(j,k) = M(2,1)./M(1,1); % add column variable 'k' to z
Now z is a 401x6 array where each column corresponds to a different value of k.
For example, you can access your curve at k=3 as:
k = 3;
curve3 = z(:,k);
Notice that this code will generate 6 identical lines therefore you will see only one, but that depends on how you define z.
When you do M(2,1)./M(1,1) the value of k cannot influence the result because it applies identically to both numerator (M(2,1)) and denominator (M(1,1)).

更多回答(2 个)

Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE 2023-4-20
here you are
also you are plotting a complex valued array, so I assume you wanted to take the bas of it first
abs(z) seems to be always equal to 0.5 whatever k and lam (reduced the spacing for faster rendering)
n0 = 1;
n1 = 2;
n2 = 1;
n3 = 2;
d1 = 0.1;
d2 = 0.2;
lam = 3:0.1:7;
th = 0;
phi1 =(d1./lam).*sqrt((n1));
phi2 = (d2./lam).*sqrt((n2));
for k = 1:1:6
z = zeros(size(lam));
for j = 1:numel(lam)
D0 = [2 2; n0 -n0];
D1 = [2 2;n1 -n1];
D2 = [2 2; n2 -n2];
D3 = [2 2;n3 -n3];
P1 = [exp(-1i.*phi1(j)) 1; 1 exp(1i.*phi1(j))];
P2 = [exp(-1i*phi2(j)) 1; 1 exp(1i*phi2(j))];
M = D0*([D1*P1*D2*P2]^(k))*D3;
z(j) = M(2,1)./M(1,1);
leg_str{k} = ['k = ' num2str(k)];
plot(lam,abs(z));hold on

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2023-4-20
n0 = 1;
n1 = 2;
n2 = 1;
n3 = 2;
d1 = 0.1;
d2 = 0.2;
lam = 3:0.01:7;
th = 0;
phi1 =(d1./lam).*sqrt((n1));
phi2 = (d2./lam).*sqrt((n2));
z = zeros(size(lam));
ax1 = subplot(2,1,1);
ax2 = subplot(2,1,2);
for k = 1:1:6
for j = 1:numel(lam)
D0 = [2 2; n0 -n0];
D1 = [2 2;n1 -n1];
D2 = [2 2; n2 -n2];
D3 = [2 2;n3 -n3];
P1 = [exp(-1i.*phi1(j)) 1; 1 exp(1i.*phi1(j))];
P2 = [exp(-1i*phi2(j)) 1; 1 exp(1i*phi2(j))];
M = D0*([D1*P1*D2*P2]^(k))*D3;
z(j) = M(2,1)./M(1,1);
plot(ax1, lam, real(z), 'DisplayName', "real k = " + k);
hold(ax1, 'on');
plot(ax2, lam, imag(z), 'DisplayName', "imag k = " + k);
hold(ax2, 'on');
hold(ax1, 'off');
legend(ax1, 'show');
hold(ax2, 'off');
legend(ax2, 'show')
The reason you only see one line on each graph is that all of the values are the same to within the tolerance of the graph.


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