- Start by creating three binary links: Link1, Link2, and Link3. Connect Link1 and Link2 using a revolute joint to simulate one degree of freedom (rotation). Similarly, connect Link2 and Link3 using another revolute joint.
- Determine the lengths and positions of the binary links in the Watt linkage mechanism. Set the initial position and orientation of each binary link using appropriate parameters or variables.
- Add actuators to control the motion of the binary links to apply motion to the joints.
- Define the constraints and equations that govern the behavior of the Watt linkage mechanism. This can include constraints on the lengths of the links and the angles between them. Use SimScape's equation editor or MATLAB code to define these constraints.
- Run the simulation and analyze the motion of the Watt linkage mechanism. Try using SimScape's visualization tools to observe the behavior of the ternary link and gather the desired data.
How to create ternary link for watt linkage in simscape as there is no ternary link available in library?
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I want to analyse Watt linkage mechanism in simscape, there are binary links (smdoc_compound_rigid_bodies) but how do get ternary link?
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回答(1 个)
In SimScape, there is no built-in ternary link available in the library. However, you can create a custom ternary link by combining multiple binary links to simulate the behavior of a Watt linkage mechanism. Here's a general approach to creating a ternary link using binary links in SimScape:
Note that creating a custom ternary link using binary links requires careful design and understanding of the Watt linkage mechanism. It may involve more complex modeling and calculations compared to using built-in components. Additionally, ensure that the constraints and equations accurately represent the behavior of the Watt linkage mechanism.
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