First of all, I would like to import data made with Aspen HYSYS into the MATLAB workspace.
However, I wrote the code, and the following problems occurred.
The values of the variables generated in the workspace consist of unknown values.
I want to know why this problem occurred, and I want to get a value composed of numbers.
Please tell me how I can import Aspen HYSYS's data into MATLAB.
[stat, mess]=fileattrib;
simcase=Hysys.SimulationCases.Open([mess.Name '\ccsfile.hsc']);
fs=simcase.get('flowsheet'); %accessing to flowsheet
op=fs.get('Operations'); %accessing to simulated operations (e.g Distillation column)
ms=fs.get('MaterialStreams'); %accessing to simulated material streams
ns=fs.get('EnergyStreams'); % Energy streams
sheet = op.Item('SPRDSHT-1'); %Spreadsheets (e.g "Sheet_1")
HySolver = simcase.Solver; %Hysys can solve? De/Activating the solver