How to extract data from variable

31 次查看(过去 30 天)
In my Mathwork Analysis module, the result of
shown in the command window is
{"temperature"=>10.4, "windspeed"=>12.3, "winddirection"=>255.0, "weathercode"=>3, "is_day"=>1, "time"=>"2023-04-26T14:00"}
How can I extract a single value, for example "windspeed"?
  1 个评论
Christopher Stapels
Can you show us more code? For example, how do you get the values into the variable 'data'? It looks like it might be a struct. If so, you can access the specific memebrs using dot notation
for example


回答(2 个)

albara 2023-4-26
You can extract the value associated with the "windspeed" key using MATLAB's built-in jsondecode function. Here's an example code snippet:
% Assume your JSON data is stored in a string variable named 'data'
data = '{"temperature":10.4, "windspeed":12.3, "winddirection":255.0, "weathercode":3, "is_day":1, "time":"2023-04-26T14:00"}';
% Decode the JSON data using jsondecode
json_data = jsondecode(data);
% Extract the windspeed value
windspeed = json_data.windspeed;
% Print the windspeed value to the command window
Make sure that the JSON data is correctly formatted and that the keys and values are separated by : symbols.
Important: There may be some mistakes in this answer Experts can tell if there are any mistakes
  2 个评论
Manfred 2023-4-26
I get the data by an webread command. There are "=>" charcters instead of ":" in the string. If i exchange them, it work like you explained.
Is there an webread option that might solve this problem?
Manfred 2023-4-26
编辑:Manfred 2023-4-26
I solved the problem myself by the strrep function
data = jsondecode(strrep(data,'=>',':'));
Thank you for your helpful response.


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2023-4-26
What does this show:
whos data
I need to know what kind of variable it is. It doesn't look like a cell array. It looks more like a dictionary.
windSpeed = data.windspeed
  5 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2023-4-26
I'd look into correcting why it put => in there instead of : in the first place. Did you create the strings, or is it something someone else made up and posted online and you need to read and parse that data?
Manfred 2023-4-26
编辑:Manfred 2023-4-26
I solved the problem myself by the strrep function
data = jsondecode(strrep(data,'=>',':'));
Thank you for your helpful response.



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