Fastest and Most Memory Efficient Way to Generate Structure from Matrix of Data

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I have a matrix of numerical data: loads(ncases, ngridpoints) - where ncases relates to the number of independent variable (M, alpha and beta) permutations and ngridpoints relates to the number of points in the physical model. To make this concrete, consider the specific example. I have cases defined by the following independent variable permutations with rows sorted from order of M, alpha, beta:
M = 0.5, alpha = -2.5, beta = 0
M = 0.5, alpha = -2.5, beta = 5
M = 0.5, alpha = 0, beta = -5
M = 0.5, alpha = 0, beta = 0
M = 0.5, alpha = 0, beta = 5
M = 0.5, alpha = 2.5, beta = 0
M = 0.5, alpha = 2.5, beta = 5
M = 0.5, alpha = 5, beta = -5
M = 0.5, alpha = 5, beta = 0
M = 0.5, alpha = 5, beta = 5
This is 10 permutations, and if I have 5 grid points, then I have: loads(10, 5). This can also be seen as incomplete set of permutations of the "full" set of all permutations of the following independent variable ranges:
M = 0.5;
alpha = [-2.5; 0; 2.5; 5];
beta = [-5; 0; 5];
Where, if all the permutations were listed (12 cases) with rows sorted in the order of M, alpha and beta, then lines 1 and 7 are missing (i.e. the permutation cases M = 0.5, alpha = -2.5, beta = -5 and M = 0.5, alpha = 2.5, beta = -5 are missing).
I would like to generate a structure, in which the top hierarchy field is the gridpoint name, and then for each gridpoint, the loads are stored in a (M x alpha x beta) array (in this case 1 x 4 x 3). I also want to ensure that any missing data is filled using linear interpolation.
I have developed a way to do it, but feel that it is not the most efficient. Here it is:
%% Generate data to use
% Define gridpoint names
gridnames = ["g1"; "g2"; "g3"; "g4"; "g5"];
glength = length(gridnames);
% Define actual loads data
loads = rand(10, glength);
%% Generate matrices for full set of permutations and "actual" permutations
% Everything that follows till the end of this code is my method for generating the structure
% Define independent parameters
M = 0.5;
alpha = [-2.5; 0; 2.5; 5];
beta = [-5; 0; 5];
totalPerms = length(M)*length(alpha)*length(beta);
% Define full array of independent parameters
MCol = repmat(M, totalPerms/length(M), 1);
alphaCol = sort(repmat(alpha, totalPerms/length(alpha), 1));
betaCol = repmat(beta, totalPerms/length(beta), 1);
fullIndependentMat = [MCol alphaCol betaCol];
% Define actual array of independent parameters
MCol([1 7]) = [];
alphaCol([1 7]) = [];
betaCol([1 7]) = [];
actualIndependentMat = [MCol alphaCol betaCol];
%% Generate Structure
for j = 1:glength
% Initialize new container for loads data
arrayLOADS = nan(totalPerms, 1);
counter = 1;
for i = 1:totalPerms
if fullIndependentMat(i, 1) == actualIndependentMat(counter, 1) && ...
fullIndependentMat(i, 2) == actualIndependentMat(counter, 2) && ...
fullIndependentMat(i, 3) == actualIndependentMat(counter, 3)
arrayLOADS(i) = loads(counter, j);
counter = counter + 1;
arrayLOADS = fillmissing(reshape(arrayLOADS, [length(M), length(alpha), length(beta)]), 'linear');
finalLoads.(gridnames{j}).data = arrayLOADS;
I would like to end up with finalLoads.
You can see that loops are used to generate the structure. I wonder if there is a more efficient way. Possibly without using any loops and vectorising somehow instead?
Despite running on 2021a, if there is an even better way to do this on 2023a that isn't available on 21a, I would appreciate that method too.

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