Text to speech Matlab Linux

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to convert text to speech in Matlab on Linux. With windows I can use the .NET library, but on Linux it does not work, I think. Do you know an other possibility or how it could work on Linux?

回答(1 个)

jibrahim 2023-5-1
Hi christopher,
You can use the text2speech function (Audio Toolbox).
You will need an internet connection, and an active subscription to a text-to-speech service of your choice – Google™ Cloud Speech-to-Text API, IBM™ Watson Speech to Text API, Microsoft™ Azure Speech Services API, or Amazon™ Polly.
  5 个评论
jibrahim 2023-5-1
you will need to download the referenced File Exchange submission and follow the intructions included in the example.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2023-5-1
You can use the Add-On Explorer to install the submission; makes it easier.



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