Custom Mask-rcnn

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
Claudia De Clemente
回答: Sachin 2023-5-15
Hello, is it possible to make a smaller mask rcnn? that is, to build it on a smaller res-net 50? when training YOLO, i can choose the feature extraction layer. Can I do it also for Mask rcnn? I don't really understand the literature, and the training of the net is taking so long that I was not able to complete a single training session, let alone try to tune the right hyperparameters for my application. I have a set of brigthfield images, [2048x2048], which I downsize to 300x300x3 for the training.
Thank you to whoever will respond.

回答(1 个)

Sachin 2023-5-15
I understand that you want to create a smaller mask RCNN. The following workaround might be of good help to you.
You can use ‘removelayers’ to remove a particular layers and “addlayers” to add a layers.
Here is an example which you can refer:
net = resnet50; % resnet object model
lgraph = layerGraph(net); % architecture of a deep learning network
lgraph = removeLayers(lgraph, {'fc1000', 'prob', 'ClassificationLayer_predictions'}); % to remove a layer
feature_layer = 'activation_40_relu'; % feature extraction layer
lgraph = connectLayers(lgraph, 'res5c_relu', feature_layer); % connect all the layers
Refer the following MATLAB documentation page for more information about ‘removelayers’
Refer the following MATLAB documentation page for more information about ‘addlayers’
For more information also refer this MATLAB answer




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