The first error message i got was:
Error using spm_jobman>fill_run_job
No executable modules, but still unresolved dependencies or incomplete module inputs.
Error in spm_jobman (line 247)
sts = fill_run_job('run', cjob, varargin{3:end});
Error in analysis_regress_ptsd (line 75)
spm_jobman('run', jobfile);
Solved this by typing in line 75:
spm_jobman('run', analysis_regress_ptsd_job.m);
Now I got the error:
>> analysis_regress_ptsd
Found 80 subjects to analyze
Unable to resolve the name 'analysis_regress_ptsd_job.m'.
Error in analysis_regress_ptsd (line 75)
spm_jobman('run', analysis_regress_ptsd_job.m);
Is someone familiar with this? I'm not familiar with this program (code language), if it helps line 74 says;
%Run all the jobs using the SPM job manager
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Regards, Marjolein