visdiff *.c files

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
Wim Vaassen
Wim Vaassen 2023-5-8
Using visdiff file compare:
How can I get links to lines in compared *.c files
Version 2020b does provide those links,
but version 2022b gives only line numbers.

回答(1 个)

Animesh 2023-5-31
You can use the "visdiff" function to compare various types of files, including MATLAB code files, text files, XML, and HTML files. You can also compare the contents of two folders, and visdiff displays the folder comparison results similarly to files.
You can then publish the difference between the files using publish command.
  3 个评论
Wim Vaassen
Wim Vaassen 2023-6-22
There are no links in the line numbers!
Wim Vaassen
Wim Vaassen 2023-6-26
编辑:Wim Vaassen 2023-6-26
How can I enable the blue underlinded links to the line numbers in the files?



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