View a 2-d projection of a 3D object

15 次查看(过去 30 天)
Lovett 2023-5-11
评论: Lovett 2023-5-11
I tried usind the matlab function "view" but it doesn't give a projected face

回答(1 个)

Shaik 2023-5-11
Hi Lovett,
The view function in MATLAB sets the camera viewpoint for the current figure, but it does not render the 3D object in perspective. To render a 3D object in perspective so that it appears to have depth in a 2D image, you can use the camproj and camva functions to adjust the camera projection and field of view (FOV). Here's an example:
% Generate some random data
x = randn(100,1);
y = randn(100,1);
z = randn(100,1);
% Plot the data as a 3D scatter plot
% Adjust the view to a projected 2D view from above
camproj('perspective'); % set perspective projection
camup([0 1 0]); % set camera up direction
campos([0 0 max(z)]); % set camera position
camva(30); % set camera view angle
  1 个评论
Lovett 2023-5-11
Thank you so much.
How do I use this to project each face of the solid generated by this code.
% Clear all previous commands
clear all
close all
% Variables you can change
Sizex = 1; %average length of RVE
Sizey = 1;
Sizez = 1;
Def = 60; %definition
% Variables you shouldn´t change
SFactx = (Sizex/2)/pi; %size factor of RVE
SFacty = (Sizey/2)/pi;
SFactz = (Sizez/2)/pi;
A = SFactx*pi; %lowest and max coordinates of meshgrid
B = SFacty*pi;
C = SFactz*pi;
Dx = A/Def;%definition factor
Dy = B/Def;
Dz = C/Def;
% Generation of gyroids
[X,Y,Z] = meshgrid(-A:Dx:A, -B:Dy:B, -C:Dz:C); %creates mesh grid
% Gyroid equation
OBJ =(cos(X/SFactx).* sin(Y/SFacty) + cos(Y/SFacty).* sin(Z/SFactz)...
+ cos(Z/SFactz).* sin(X/SFactx)+(0));
T = 0.5;
% Isosurface and isocap
[F1,V1] = isosurface(X,Y,Z,OBJ,0);
[F2,V2] = isocaps(X,Y,Z,OBJ,0,'below');
%Combines isosurface and isocaps into one
F3 = [F1;F2+length(V1(:,1))];
V3 = [V1;V2];
% Visualization
P = patch('Vertices',V3,'Faces',F3,'FaceColor', ...
axis equal



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