Loading Data from multiple .mat files in a folder and plotting

14 次查看(过去 30 天)

I need to load data from these 10 .mat files and plot fx versus Uref. Can anyone please help me with a sample code. I have tried using the for loop but it's not loading all the files.

  6 个评论
Rik 2023-5-12
Also, please do not post a picture of your code, but post the code itself.
Stephen23 2023-5-31
编辑:Stephen23 2023-5-31
The simple and efficient approach is to let DIR get the filenames, e.g.:
P = 'absolute/relative path to where the files are saved';
S = dir(fullfile(P,'OCTAGON*.mat'));
for k = 1:numel(S)
F = fullfile(S(k).folder,S(k).name);
D = load(F)


回答(1 个)

Swaraj 2023-5-31
Hi Imtiaz,
I understand that you want to load multiple .mat file from a folder and plot the data from it and you are facing problem in loading the .mat files.
To check your issue, I created a folder with following files.
I wrote the following sample code, and I was able to load the specified three .mat file and ignoring the excel file.
currentDir = pwd;
fileList = dir(currentDir);
fileList = {fileList.name};
filteredFileList = fileList(cellfun(@(x) contains(x, 'OCTAGON') && contains(x,'.mat'), fileList));
for i=1:length(filteredFileList)
file = load(filteredFileList{i});
%Do your task with the file here
This is just the sample code. You can rewrite it as per your requirements.
Hope it helps!!


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