how i install arduino IO library for simulink ?

48 次查看(过去 30 天)

回答(4 个)

tayyab hafeez
tayyab hafeez 2017-9-19

Abhishek GS
Abhishek GS 2015-4-6
Hi Riyas,
You can download the Simulink Support Package from this link.
Alternately, type 'supportpackageInstaller' in your MATLAB Command Prompt, choose 'Install from Internet' option and then choose the Arduino support package.
Hope this helps, Abhishek

Bo 2017-3-5
I think what you need is:
Legacy MATLAB and Simulink Support for Arduino

chetan hinganikar
I just want Arduino io library to simulink it for this also is there any need to download legacy and simulink support package along with analog io library..?


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