Getting error while running alexnet
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net =alexnet('Weights','none');
lys = net.Layers();
getting error:
Unrecognized method, property, or field 'Layers' for class 'nnet.cnn.layer.Layer'.
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回答(1 个)
Walter Roberson
编辑:Walter Roberson
When you call alexnet() with 'Weights', 'none' then the result you get back is a Layer array, not a DagNetwork or LayerGraph. The list of layers that you are trying to get is just the same as net itself in this case.
You need the .Layers() if you load in the regular pre-trained alexnet
11 个评论
Walter Roberson
"This function requires Deep Learning Toolbox™ Model for AlexNet Network support package. If this support package is not installed, the function provides a download link. Alternatively, see Deep Learning Toolbox Model for AlexNet Network."
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