Invalid/Incomplete Carmaker project directory

37 次查看(过去 30 天)
Due to some issue, I had to reinstall MATLAB R2021a. Before the re-installation, the Carmaker GUI would open using the Carmaker blockset. But, unfortunately, now the Error pops up stating: "Invalid/Incomplete Carmaker project directory". Please guide on how can i assign the directory for the Carmaker, or how to sort this error.

回答(1 个)

Sanchari 2023-9-14
I understand that you want to resolve the error “Invalid/ Incomplete Carmaker project directory” that has occurred after reinstalling MATLAB R2021a.
To do so, please follow through the steps below:
  1. Verify compatible MATLAB version: Recheck Carmaker version compatibility with MATLAB version. You can find the compatibility in Carmaker Release Notes. MATLAB R2021a is compatible with Carmaker version 10.0 and above.
  2. Choose correct destination for Installation directory: Follow the instructions of IPGInstall ([AS1] [SM2] How to install CarMaker and other IPG Automotive software- ). The destination directory you choose during the installation (Windows e.g., C:\ipg\etc; Linux e.g., /opt/ipg/etc) will be further referred to as <InstallationDirectory>.
  3. Verify successful configuration of Carmaker environment in MATLAB: After opening MATLAB, you need to make sure that your working directory is the “src_cm4sl” folder of your project directory. In this folder, there's a file called “cmenv.m” that you need to run. After it's run successfully, the MATLAB search path is configured, and CarMaker is connected.
  4. Verify Carmaker dependencies: When you run the “cmenv.m” file, ensure that all the dependencies for Carmaker were correctly installed as well.
  5. Use Carmaker GUI: after executing “cmenv.m”, open the “generic.mdl” to start working with CarMaker.
To add path of the project folder manually, go to Home Tab > Environment Section > Set Path. You can add the project directory along its subfolders to MATLAB.
Hope this helps!


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