Use DS3502 digital potentiometer with Arduino support package

7 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am trying to use a Adafruit DS3502 I2C Digital Potentiometer with the Matlab Arduino support package. I already connected the arduino to the computer and the digital pot to the arduino. I have loaded the arduino and the digital pot device via
ard = arduino;
COM = string(ard.Port);
Board = string(ard.Board);
clear ard
a = arduino(COM,Board,'Libraries','I2C');%load Arduino board
addrs = scanI2CBus(a);
ds3502 = device(a,'I2CAddress',0x28);
My question is how do I write to the device? The digital pot has a 127 different resistance values.

回答(1 个)

Supraja 2023-6-2
You can use the writeDigitalPin function to write into the device of the Arduino. The syntax of the function is: writeDigitalPin(a,pin,value)
This writes the specified value to the specified pin on the Arduino hardware in the connection a
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