Send Emails from GUI

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Zainab Riyadh
Zainab Riyadh 2023-5-23
评论: Adam Danz 2023-5-24
I have a GUI where I used exportapp to save a uifigure to pdf file :
exportapp(fig1, 'info1.pdf')
Then, I found the following function file in Matlab, which can send emails. I tried using it in a Script file to send a pdf file and it worked. However, when I shift to GUI and try using the function to send the pdf generated from exportapp, it doesn't work. Though, I get the pdf saved on my pc.
This is the function file:
function sendolmail(to,subject,body,attachments)
%Sends email using MS Outlook. The format of the function is
%Similar to the SENDMAIL command.
% Create object and set parameters.
h = actxserver('outlook.Application');
mail = h.CreateItem('olMail');
mail.Subject = subject;
mail.To = to;
mail.BodyFormat = 'olFormatHTML';
mail.HTMLBody = body;
% Add attachments, if specified.
if nargin == 4
for i = 1:length(attachments)
% Send message and release object.
This code is used to send the email:
sendolmail('Email Address','Summary Report',{'C:\info1.pdf' });

回答(1 个)

the cyclist
the cyclist 2023-5-24
I don't know the answer to your question, but you might have better luck using the MATLAB-supplied sendmail function, rather than that quite old File Exchange function.


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