Hey, So I've got a Masked Simulink block that lives in my library, and from that block I am able to call a matlab application by clicking the highlighted text below
Clicking the link opens my matlab application below which simply writes to parameters in the mask
I write to the parameter in the mask using the set parameter command after unlocking the library. My problem is I am editing the mask parameters in the library as oppsed to the instance of the mask being used, hence there is no change to my parametrer(my library parametrer changes though). Question is
- how can I retrieve the file path of the Instance being called and change the mask parameter of that instance as opposed to the library,
- if I have two instances of the mask in model, how can I differentiate between them, when writing to them from my application.
below is a screen shot of the application code that writes to the parameter.
set_param('FB_Library/voltage in','err_val',num2str(X(app.I(3,1),app.I(3,2))));