Identification of 2x2 system in SS by separate excitations 1x2

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a strongly coupled 2x2 system trying to identify. By parallel excitations of both inputs (with some time separation between impulses), I got some resutls but too noisy. Now I want to combine the identification of two separate experiments: from Input 1 to Output 1 and 2, from Input 2 to Output 1 and 2. And finally, I want to mix the two identified SS results into one joint 2x2 function. I guess this is possible also in SS domain, since in TF domain it is trivial, just filling the matrices.
I am aware that I can get in TF mode, from experiment 1, G11 and G12, and from experiment 2 G21 and G22, and finally to combine in one matrix of TFs [G11 G12; G21 G22]. My question is if this can be done also in State Space.

回答(1 个)

Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE 2023-6-5
there is already tools available for MIMO identification
look here :
and the attached zip files - these are from the 90's !! but still valuable tools


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