Matlab 2023a example folder is empty

27 次查看(过去 30 天)
Today, Updated my 2022b to 2023a.
After installation in one of script the following command
load('RCSCylinderExampleData.mat','cylinder'); is not working.
In 2022b the command works well. I fould that the following folder C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2023a\examples is empty.
The same folder in 2022b installation has numerous other folders and in one such folder 'RCSCylinderExampleData.mat' is located.
I think this is an error and should be rectified.


Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre 2023-6-7
Beginning in R2023a, the product documentation is no longer installed by default (see here). The side effect of this is that some example datasets are no longer included with the product install.
This means some example datasets are no longer available by default. You can still access them by either installing the documentation, or by finding an example in the online documentation that uses that file, and then use the 'Open in MATLAB Online' or 'Copy Command' workflows to open that example (along with any associated data files) in your MATLAB instance.
For example, one data set that has been removed is ovariancancer.mat. I found that dataset used in 3 examples:
The copy command from one of them is openExample('stats/RegularizeWideDatainParallelExample')
If it is a file you use often, consider adding the example folder to your MATLAB Path.
  2 个评论
Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre 2023-6-7
For your dataset, I found one example. To obtain RCSCylinderExampleData.mat locally, run this command
Swarup Sewalkar
Swarup Sewalkar 2023-6-7
Thanks Chris for your answer and the way around.
I think, the example codes in the help should also be changed accordingly.
Since, I had used the - 'load('RCSCylinderExampleData.mat','cylinder');'
from one of the example code available in the online documentation.


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