How to determine coastal erosion in matlab?

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Hi good people!
I have a question that I don't know how to solve or what direction I should take. I have a chronological analysis of 73 coastlines (.shp) at Itapoá beach (Santa Catarina, Brazil), and I would like to determine which of these lines are in a state of erosion, but I don't know which variable to use as a basis. I have as data that make up the "coast" matrix: "BoundingBox", "X", "Y", "date", "mean", "stdDev", "system0x3At".
"X" and "Y": are double data that represent the points collected in lat and long along the coast that form the coastline.
Could you guys help me?


Shree Harsha Kodi
Shree Harsha Kodi 2023-6-17
% Load coastline data from the shapefile
coastData = shaperead('your_coastline_file.shp');
% Extract relevant variables
meanValues = [coastData.mean];
stdDevValues = [coastData.stdDev];
% Analyze mean values
meanTrend = gradient(meanValues); % Calculate the rate of change of mean values
% Identify coastlines in erosion
erosionIndices = find(meanTrend < 0); % Find indices where mean values are decreasing
% Display results
fprintf('Coastlines in erosion:\n');
for i = 1:numel(erosionIndices)
index = erosionIndices(i);
fprintf('Coastline %d\n', index);
% Plot mean values and standard deviations for visualization
subplot(2, 1, 1);
xlabel('Coastline Index');
ylabel('Mean Value');
title('Mean Values over Coastlines');
subplot(2, 1, 2);
xlabel('Coastline Index');
ylabel('Standard Deviation');
title('Standard Deviation over Coastlines');
Please note that this is a general approach, and the specific interpretation of erosion may vary depending on the context and domain knowledge. You may need to fine-tune the criteria or incorporate additional factors based on your understanding of the coastal dynamics in the study area.
iska bhi code no error but data ni diya h question wale ne toh code me no error but we need relevant data ok
  1 个评论
Cícero Vicente
Cícero Vicente 2023-6-17
Thanks for your help, Shree Harsha Kodi.
Your approach brought a perspective on variations in mean and standard deviation of coastlines. However, I need an approach that considers the values obtained for each of the 73 coastlines (y), considering their scalar variation in time (x) of each of them and, thus, to demonstrate which ones have evidence of erosion. I don't know if I'm being clear on what I'm looking for. I wanted to demonstrate the variation of the erosive state of each of the coastlines, considering their time (date).


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