Hi Davut,
As per my understanding, you want to work on fuzzy multisets. The important point is, the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox in MATLAB does not directly support fuzzy multisets. The toolbox primarily focuses on fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic operations.
However, you can still work with fuzzy multisets by using fuzzy sets as a representation. One approach is to consider each value in the fuzzy multiset as a separate fuzzy set with its own membership function. You can then perform fuzzy logic operations on these individual fuzzy sets to simulate operations on the fuzzy multiset.
Alternatively, you can consider implementing custom functions or extending the capabilities of the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox by developing your own functions or classes to handle fuzzy multisets. This would require more advanced knowledge of fuzzy logic and MATLAB programming.
Have a look at the following sample code:
mfx1 = [0.3 0.5 0.8 0.9 0.6];
mfx2 = [0.2 0.7 1.0 0.8 0.4];
fuzzyUnion = union(fuzzySet1, fuzzySet2);
fuzzyIntersection = intersection(fuzzySet1, fuzzySet2);
fuzzyComplement = complement(fuzzySet1);
disp('Fuzzy Intersection:');
disp('Fuzzy Complement:');
For further reference, please refer these links to know more about ‘Fuzzy Logic Toolbox’
I hope this helps resolving the issue.