How to find the intersection of two curves with the input data being two vectors?

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The blue and orange lines are arg_px and arg_ikTx respectively.
Both were plotted against the wavelength as 3e8./f11.
Now, how do I go about finding the intersection point?
Are there any inbuilt functions?

回答(2 个)

Jon 2023-6-23
编辑:Jon 2023-6-23
Here is an example of one way to do this, you would have to put in the data for your curves, I just made up two curves for this example:.
% solve intersection between two curves defined pointwise in vectors
% Make example curves
t = linspace(0,3);
y1 = t.^2 ;
y2 = 2 -exp(-t);
% plot curves to see that they intersect
% solve for intersection
tsol = findIntersect(t,y1,y2)
tsol = 1.3159
function tintersect = findIntersect(t,y1,y2)
% find intersection between pointwise curves
tintersect = fzero(@zerofun,[0 3]);
% define function which will equal zero when curves intersect
% interpolate to find values between defined points
% note t,y1 and y2 are in scope as this is a nested function
function val = zerofun(tq)
val = interp1(t,y1,tq) - interp1(t,y2,tq);
  4 个评论
Jon 2023-6-26
Did one of these answers, provide you with a solution to your problem? If so please accept an answer so that others will know that an answer is available and the issue is closed


Star Strider
Star Strider 2023-6-23
Another approach —
lambda = linspace(0, 10);
arg_px = sin(2*pi*lambda/5);
arg_ikTx = 1.1 - (lambda/8);
L = numel(lambda);
ixv = find(diff(sign(arg_px - arg_ikTx))); % Approximate Intersection Indices
for k = 1:numel(ixv)
idxrng = max(1, ixv(k)-1) : min(L,ixv(k)+1);
intx(k) = interp1(arg_px(idxrng) - arg_ikTx(idxrng), lambda(idxrng), 0, 'linear'); % X-Coordinates
inty(k) = interp1(lambda(idxrng), arg_px(idxrng), intx(k), 'linear'); % Y-Coordinates
hp1 =plot(lambda, arg_px, 'DisplayName','arg\_px');
hold on
hp2 =plot(lambda, arg_ikTx, 'DisplayName','arg\_ikTx');
hp3 =plot(intx, inty, 'sm', 'DisplayName','Intersections');
hold off
legend([hp1 hp2 hp3(1)], 'Location','best')
This will detect, calculate, and plot any number of intersections of the two curves.


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