I am trying to get a UI Table to show seven columns of Data a check box, a number, two names, and three checkboxes. I continue to get an error which is shwon below despite the fact that when I use run they all appear to be column vector which have six items a piece.This error shows up after pressing a button which is supposed to populate the data into the table which is wanted the code for the callback is shown below. Error using horzcat
Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent. Consider converting input arrays to the same type before concatenating.
Error in StandardProcessing/AppearButtonPushed (line 89)
app.Total = [includee, number, cellstr(app.fileNames), cellstr(app.names), app.external, app.zero, app.invert];
I have included the code down below which is producing this error. I also have already set the table columnformat in the start up function for the app. I have ran the size function on each of the arrays and they all return 6 1 for the inputted data. Any help with this error would be much appreciated.
app.names = strings([l,1]);
app.fileNames = strings([l,1]);
if contains(n(i),"EVENT") == 0
number(counter) = counter;
app.names(counter) = n(i);
temp = strcat("Ch",int2str(app.Front.DATData(i).Ch));
app.fileNames(counter) = strcat(temp,".dat");
includee = true([counter,1]);
app.external = false([counter,1]);
app.invert = false([counter,1]);
app.zero = false([counter,1]);
number(1+counter:l) = [];
app.names((1+counter):l) = [];
app.fileNames((counter+1):l) = [];
app.Total = [includee, number, cellstr(app.fileNames), cellstr(app.names), app.external, app.zero, app.invert];