Help with a contour graph

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
Sarinya 2023-6-28
回答: akshatsood 2023-8-22
I've been trying (and failing to plot) this graph (Fig 1) for a week, but the closest I've gotten is Fig 2. It seems weirdly stretched out and I can't figure out what's wrong.
This is my code:
clear all
close all
rho = 4420; %kg/m^3
Cp = 550; %J/kg?K
T0 = 303.15; %K
A = 0.5; %[Absorbtivity]
k = 7.2; %W/m/K
alpha = 2.96*10^-6; %m^2/s
D = alpha;
P = 100; %W
v = 1; %m/s
u = v;
Tm = 1933; %K
d_laser = 0.01; %mm
r_laser = d_laser/2; %mm
a = r_laser;
p = D/(u*a);
x = linspace(-0.05,0.125,100);
y = linspace(-0.025,0.025,100);
z = linspace(0,0.05,100);
x_nor = x/a;
y_nor = y/a;
z_nor = z/sqrt((D*a/u))
[x_mesh,y_mesh,z_mesh] = ndgrid(x_nor,y_nor,z_nor);
% fun = @(t) exp((-z_mesh.^2/(4*t)-((y_mesh.^2.+(x_mesh-t).^2)./(4*p.*t+1)))./((4*p*t)+1)*sqrt(t));
fun = @(t) exp((-z_mesh.^2/(4*t))-((y_mesh.^2+(x_mesh-t).^2)/((4*p*t)+1)))/(((4*p*t)+1)*sqrt(t));
g = integral(fun,0,Inf,'ArrayValued',true);
iz = 1;
contourf(x_mesh(:,:,iz), y_mesh(:,:,iz),squeeze(g(:,:,iz)))
axis([-5 25 -5 5])
% xlim([5 25])
% ylim([-10 0])
% figure(2)
% iy =1;
% contourf(x_mesh,z_mesh,transpose(squeeze(g(:,iy,:))))
% axis([-5 25 -10 0])
% colorbar
  4 个评论
Sargondjani 2023-6-29
You can set the levels at which a contour should appear. Did you try setting that?
(Sorry, it was too much code for me to fnd it quickly)
cdawg 2023-6-29
The paper says 0.1 mm and it looks like you have D = 0.01 mm. Not sure if this helps


回答(1 个)

akshatsood 2023-8-22
Hi Sarinya,
I thoroughly investigated the code script attached and have concluded that the weirdly stretch visible in the graph is due to improper scaling of the dimensions. For instance, consider the following line from the code snippet.
p = D/(u*a)
D has units m^2/s, u has units m/s but a has units mm. So, for the expression to be evaluated in a correct manner, uniformity in dimensions has to be maintained. To correct this, a simple modification shown below can be performed.
p = 1000*D/(u*a)
On similar lines, a modification while computing z_nor needs to be done
z_nor = z/sqrt((1000*D*a/u))
I also went through the research paper attached and noticed that diameter of the laser is stated to be 0.1 mm as highlighted in the comments as well. Performing the following changes would be sufficient to replicate the required results.
d_laser = 0.1; %mm
x = linspace(-0.5,1.25,100);
y = linspace(-0.25,0.25,100);
z = linspace(0,0.5,100);
I hope this helps.


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