How can I set up that a Matlab function in Simulink should first finish calculating and then get the new input values?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello all,
I think that my Matlab function in Simulink Real Time somehow fails to calculate the output values first and gets new input values only afterwards. So it is overriding the output??? It uses fminsearch to calculate the values.
iter = 199;
fun2 = @(x)kU2kU0berechnung(x,u2,u3,din);
options = optimset('TolFun',1e-14,'TolX',1e-14,'MaxIter',iter);
y = fminsearch(fun2,x0,options);
function meankU2kU0 = kU2kU0berechnung(x,u2,u3,din)
u123 = [x(1)*exp(1i*x(2)/360*2*pi);u3;u2];
a = exp(1i*120/360*2*pi);
a2 = a^2;
T = [1 1 1; a2 a 1; a a2 1];
umg0 = T\u123;
meankU2kU0 = sqrt((abs((umg0(2)/umg0(1))*100)^2+((1-din)*abs((umg0(3)/umg0(1))*100))^2)/2);
uabs = y(1);
uphi = y(2);
I get the idea because I calculate the output values once with a real time measurement and a second time for control with the data set from the real time measurement start another calculation in Simulink (not real time). In the attachment you can see the results for uabs. The image with the yellow line jumping up and down is the real-time measurement and the image with the stable yellow line is the subsequent calculation.
You can see that the data jumps somehow.
Maybe someone can help me or had this problem before.

回答(1 个)

Saksham 2023-8-22
Hi Yannic,
I understand that you want MATLAB function block to receive input only after it has processed the previously received input.
For this use case, “Rate Transition” block might be helpful. Below is the link to its documentation:
I hope the above shared resource will be helpful to you.




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