Training a CNN model with Numerical Data for Binary Classification

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I want to train a CNN Model for Binary classification on numeric datasets extracted from level (1-4) and the approximate coefficient level of Discrete Wavelet Transform decomposition. The data have been partitioned into Training, Validation and Test sets, and stored as seperate CSV file format with corresponding labels.
Input Data reshaped as (4D double):
Train data size is : 5x30660
Test size: 5x6570
Validation size: 5x6570
While the responses(categorical) are:
XTrain label size: 5x30660,
XTest label size:5x6570,
XValidation label size: 5x6570. I used the imageInputLayer as input and Convolution1DLayer as seen in the code provided.
This is the Error message from this code:
"Error in another (line 107)
net = trainNetwork(XTrain, categorical(YTrain), layers, options);
Caused by:
Layer 'Conv_1': Input data must have one spatial dimension only, one temporal dimension only, or one of each. Instead, it
has 2 spatial dimensions and 0 temporal dimensions."
This is the code:
% Initializing empty arrays for data and labels
allTrainData = cell(1, 5);
allTrainLabels = cell(1, 5);
allValidationData = cell(1, 5);
allValidationLabels = cell(1, 5);
allTestData = cell(1, 5);
allTestLabels = cell(1, 5);
% Loading and concatenating the training datasets
trainDataFiles = ["activetrain.csv", "ambienttrain.csv", "generatedtrain.csv", "moduletrain.csv", "radiationtrain.csv"];
trainLabelFiles = ["labeltrainactive.csv", "labeltrainambient.csv", "labeltraingenerated.csv", "labeltrainmodule.csv", "labeltrainradiation.csv"];
for i = 1:5
trainData = load(trainDataFiles(i));
trainLabels = load(trainLabelFiles(i));
% Extracting the numeric arrays from the structure arrays
allTrainData{i} = trainData; % Store the numeric arrays directly
allTrainLabels{i} = trainLabels;
% Loading and concatenating the validation datasets
validationDataFiles = ["activevalid.csv", "ambientvalid.csv", "generatedvalid.csv", "modulevalid.csv", "radiationvalid.csv"];
validationLabelFiles = ["labelvalidactive.csv", "labelvalidambient.csv", "labelvalidgenerated.csv", "labelvalidmodule.csv", "labelvalidradiation.csv"];
for i = 1:5
validationData = load(validationDataFiles(i));
validationLabels = load(validationLabelFiles(i));
% Extracting the numeric arrays from the structure arrays
allValidationData{i} = validationData; % Store the numeric arrays directly
allValidationLabels{i} = validationLabels;
% Loading and concatenating the test datasets
testDataFiles = ["activetest.csv", "ambienttest.csv", "generatedtest.csv", "moduletest.csv", "radiationtest.csv"];
testLabelFiles = ["labeltestactive.csv", "labeltestambient.csv", "labeltestgenerated.csv", "labeltestmodule.csv", "labeltestradiation.csv"];
for i = 1:5
testData = load(testDataFiles(i));
testLabels = load(testLabelFiles(i));
% Extract the numeric arrays from the structure arrays
allTestData{i} = testData; % Store the numeric arrays directly
allTestLabels{i} = testLabels;
% Reshaping the input data to 4D tensor: [height, width, channels, samples]
inputHeight = 1;
inputWidth = 5; %length of your input data
numChannels = 5; % 5 coefficient levels
numTrainSamples = size(allTrainData{i}, 2);
numTestSamples = size(allTestData{i}, 2);
numValidationSamples = size( allValidationData{i}, 2);
XTrain = reshape( allTrainData{i}, inputHeight, inputWidth, numChannels, numTrainSamples);
XTest = reshape( allTestData{i}, inputHeight, inputWidth, numChannels, numTestSamples);
XValidation = reshape( allValidationData{i}, inputHeight, inputWidth, numChannels, numValidationSamples);
% Normalizing the input data
XTrain = normalize(XTrain);
XTest = normalize(XTest);
XValidation = normalize(XValidation);
% Converting the labels to categorical format
YTrain = categorical(cell2mat(allTrainLabels));
YTest = categorical(cell2mat(allTestLabels));
YValidation = categorical(cell2mat(allValidationLabels));
% Defining the CNN architecture
layers = [
imageInputLayer([1 5 5],"Name","Input","Normalization","zscore")
maxPooling1dLayer(2, "Padding", "same", "Stride", 2)
% Setting the training options
options = trainingOptions('adam', ...
'InitialLearnRate', 0.01, ...
'MaxEpochs', 5, ...
'MiniBatchSize', 32, ...
'ValidationData', {XValidation, YValidation}, ...
'ValidationFrequency', 10, ...
'Verbose', true, ...
'Plots', 'training-progress');
% Training the CNN model
net = trainNetwork(XTrain, categorical(YTrain), layers, options);
% Perform anomaly detection on the test dataset
YTestPred = classify(net, XTest);
% Evaluating the performance
accuracy = sum(YTestPred == YTest) / numel(YTest);
disp(['Test Accuracy: ', num2str(accuracy)]);
Kindly share your thought. Thanks


ProblemSolver 2023-7-10
编辑:ProblemSolver 2023-7-10
Hello @Emmanuel:
There are couple of things that you have overlooked and therefore causing the error issues:
  1. Since you are working with the numerical data only, I would suggest changing from "cell" to "zeros" to optimize the code:
allTrainData = zeros(5, 30660);
allTrainLabels = zeros(5, 30660);
allValidationData = zeros(5, 6570);
allValidationLabels = zeros(5, 6570);
allTestData = zeros(5, 6570);
allTestLabels = zeros(5, 6570);
  1. You have not properly concatenated the loaded data into your variables "allTrainData" and "allTrainLabels". Therefore, instead of creating separate arrays for each dataset, you can do is combine them in a single loop such as:
trainDataFiles = ["activetrain.csv", "ambienttrain.csv", "generatedtrain.csv", "moduletrain.csv", "radiationtrain.csv"];
trainLabelFiles = ["labeltrainactive.csv", "labeltrainambient.csv", "labeltraingenerated.csv", "labeltrainmodule.csv", "labeltrainradiation.csv"];
for i = 1:5
trainData = load(trainDataFiles(i));
trainLabels = load(trainLabelFiles(i));
allTrainData(i, :) = trainData(:)';
allTrainLabels(i, :) = trainLabels(:)';
  1. The dimmensions of your reshaping the data input is wrong:
inputHeight = 1;
inputWidth = 5; % length of your input data
numChannels = 5; % 5 coefficient levels
numTrainSamples = size(allTrainData, 2);
numTestSamples = size(allTestData, 2);
numValidationSamples = size(allValidationData, 2);
XTrain = reshape(allTrainData, inputHeight, inputWidth, numChannels, numTrainSamples);
XTest = reshape(allTestData, inputHeight, inputWidth, numChannels, numTestSamples);
XValidation = reshape(allValidationData, inputHeight, inputWidth, numChannels, numValidationSamples);
  1. You original code did account for normalizing the dataset. I am not sure if it is required or not, but I use it for my data set:
XTrain = normalize(XTrain);
XTest = normalize(XTest);
XValidation = normalize(XValidation);
  1. Finally, I see that the error generated is because that your input shape of the 'imageInputLayer' is incorrect, therefore, adjust that based on the reshaped input data something like this:
layers = [
imageInputLayer([inputHeight, inputWidth, numChannels], "Name", "Input", "Normalization", "zscore")
% Rest of the layers...
I hope these suggestions helps you to solve the error.
  3 个评论
ProblemSolver 2023-7-11
@Emmanuel: I need to check your .csv files. You have to send me some base data that I know what I am dealing with. The structure of the tables and all.
Emmanuel 2023-7-11
编辑:Emmanuel 2023-7-12
@ProblemSolver, I was able to find a way around it using this:
% Reshaping the input data to 4D tensor: [height, width, channels, samples]
inputHeight = 1;
inputWidth = 1;
numChannels = 1;
numTrainSamples = size(allTrainData, 2);
numTestSamples = size(allTestData, 2);
numValidationSamples = size(allValidationData, 2);
XTrain = reshape(allTrainData, inputHeight, inputWidth, numChannels, []);
XValidation = reshape(allValidationData, inputHeight, inputWidth, numChannels, []);
% Normalize Input Data.......
% Convert response to categorical vector........
% Define the CNN architecture
layers = [
imageInputLayer([inputHeight, inputWidth, numChannels], "Name", "Input", "Normalization", "zscore")
Thank you very much for your initial response.


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